Session info & FAQ's
To place an order for a print, you can either email us at tony@tgranata.com or give us a call at 908.797.8474. All fine art prints are signed and shipped via UPS ground (included in the price). Typical delivery is 2 weeks.
Photography Session Info
Creative Session Fee - $200 (There is no additional charge for weekend sessions). A typical creative session lasts for 1-2 hours depending on location and subject. Either our studio in Clinton, NJ offering creative lighting or at a remote location up 25 miles. Includes the time and talent of the photographer, image post processing, and approximately 20+ images hosted in an online gallery for approx 14 days.
What does my session fee pay for? The session fee pays for the photographers time and talent during the session, a slideshow of the session images, your private online gallery and if required your order session.
Where will my session take place? Sessions may take place in the studio but preferably on location. Location sessions take place at your home or other favorite place either of which will be scouted prior to the actual session.
What should we wear? Simple clothes and solid colors work best for photographs.
When is the best time to schedule newborn photographs? It is best to photograph newborn babies (or puppies ;-) before they are a couple weeks old which means it is best to schedule your newborn session before the baby is born.
When will my photos be ready? Your images will be available for viewing on your private web gallery within 3-5 days of the session. Final print orders are typically ready within 1-2 weeks. Tony Granata Photography owns the copyright to all images, including proofs. Images may not be copied, scanned or reproduced in any way without written permission.
Do you Archive session image files? We archive your purchased images for one year. Images that are not ordered are purged from our systems monthly.